
The research focus of the IMBIO is the synthesis of lipids and their function in plants and bacteria, as well as their qualitative and quantitative determination using state-of-the-art methods of the lipidomics platform.

Bachelor, Master, PhD

We are looking for highly motivated students for Bachelor, Master and PhD projects in the field of lipid biosynthesis and function. These projects include the analysis of transgenic and mutant lines of plants or bacteria.


Our group of the IMBIOhas around 20 employees, including postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students, technical staff, secretaries and Bachelor's and Master's students.


Evidence of university-wide cooperation and scientific contributions is an important basis for the evaluation of the institution. Information on the consideration of authorship in publications in accordance with good scientific practice can be found in the DFG.


Institute of Molecular Physiology and Biotechnology of Plants

Karlrobert-Kreiten-Straße 13

53115 Bonn


Avatar Dörmann

Professor Dr. Peter Dörmann

Managing Director


Avatar Salm

Julia Salm

+49 228 73-2832

+49 228 73-1696



Travel by bus and train

The Biozentrum is located near the bus stop "Am Botanischen Garten", which can be reached from Bonn main station with lines 601, 602, 603 and 631.

Travel by bike

You can park your bicycle in front of our institute in the bicycle racks provided.

Travel by car

A valid day ticket is required for the parking spaces in front of our institute, which can be purchased from the relevant machines.

Technicians and other official visitors can obtain a day ticket from the Secretariat

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