Usage costs

Because of the high costs for mass spectrometry, we need to charge the following amounts (in Euro).

Cost calculation for lipid measurements at the Lipidomics Facility of University of Bonn

Because of the high costs for mass spectrometry, we need to charge the following amounts (in Euro).

Please make sure that your samples are free of detergents, PEG, plasticizers etc. Also keep in mind that some organic solvents (e.g. chloroform) or some glass/plastic ware can contain minute amounts of lipids which can contaminate your sample. We will refrain from measuring such contaminated samples.

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We recommend that you extract your samples at your institution and ship them to us at ambient temperature.

We also recommend to have 5 samples (replicas) for each measuring point (wild type, mutant, etc.).

For large sample sets, a discount can be arranged

Costs are calculated for each sample processed

A Lipid isolation from cells/tissue 20 Euro
B Solid phase extraction (SPE) on silica columns 20 Euro
C Lipid quantification by direct infusion Q-TOF MS/MS 50 Euro
D Lipid quantification by LC-MS 70 Euro
E Fatty acid or sterol derivatization 20 Euro
F GC or GC-MS analysis 20 Euro


The measurement of phospholipids/galactolipids of wild type and one mutant line of Arabidopsis plants, grown at normal and low temperature amounts to (you perform the lipid isolation)
2 lines x 5 replicas x 2 conditions x 50 Euro = 1000 Euro.

Measurement of triacylglycerol/diacylglycerol in 20 plant lines (we perform lipid isolation and SPE on silica columns)
20 lines x 5 replicas x (20 Euro + 20 Euro + 50 Euro) = 9000 Euro.

Contact for further questions

Avatar Dörmann

Peter Dörmann

Head and Director of Facility Quantitative Lipidomics
Avatar Gutbrod

Katharina Gutbrod

Manager of the Core Facility Quantitative Lipidomics
Avatar Peisker

Helga Peisker

Technician of the Facility Quantitative Lipidomics
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